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Body Filmization Field – Film Workshop: Film as Body

About the workshop|

CREATORS project "Body Filmization Field" project (by Tzuan WU and Xia LIN) is honored to invite the artist Lichun TSENG to conduct this workshop, Participants will experience the craftsmanship of 16mm film: filming, processing, printing and projection. Each participant will use about 20 meters of high-contrast 16mm film, combining materials like found footage with techniques such as multiple exposures for filming and printing.

On the first day, through the body instructions of the images and camera movements, participants will learn basic operation of the Bolex 16mm camera and non-toxic film processing methods. On the second day, Lichun will lead the workshop, starting with negative film and experimenting with different printing methods. This will include both converting negative images to positive and exploring various possibilities through different perspectives and techniques.


About the artist|Lichun TSENG

Lichun TSENG is a Taiwanese artist based in the Netherlands. In her works, she is interested in searching for the experience of the vital dimensions of life, absorbing and partaking in it, grasping its wholeness; in which exploration and reflective contemplation are profound mental drives. She approaches her research and practice mainly with 16mm film, installation, and performance in the last years. She is a member of Filmwerkplaats, an artist-run film lab in Rotterdam. artist website:



Time:Day 1 9/15 (Sun.) 14:00-21:00, Day 2 9/16 (Mon.) 10:00-17:00, Please ensure that you are available to attend both days before registering

Venue:CREATORS' Space R307 Common Room

Admission:Online Registration, a material fee is required