電視看天空 T.V. to See the Sky ── 來自小野洋子《天空電視》的啟發

《天空電視­­ – 華盛頓》,小野洋子,1966/2014。閉路電視錄像裝置,尺寸依場地而異。Joseph H. Hirshhorn Purchase Fund收藏,2016。攝影/William Andrews,赫希宏美術館與雕塑公園。


這場活動的靈感,來自於小野洋子在1967年為里森畫廊(Lisson Gallery)所創作的《天空電視》(SKY T.V.)的概念:「一台望見天空的電視,不同頻道呈現不同天空,如高空、低空等等」。洋子把《天空電視1966(傢俱)》(SKY T.V. 1966 (furniture piece))這件錄像雕塑描述為「一個裝置在展場中用來觀看天空的閉路電視」,電視即時播送著展場建築物上方的天空影像──藉此將天空帶進沒有窗戶的室內空間。

以此概念出發,蓋蒂研究中心(Getty Research Institute)與女性主義創作中心(Feminist Center for Creative Work)與小野洋子合作,將透過Zoom遠端視訊平台呈現24小時的天空影像;同時各地機構以跨國串連進行即時轉播,將天空影像傳送給居家中的觀眾。

時值劇變與反思的當刻,人們被限制移動但又渴望連結,我們借鑑於洋子對天空的祈願──在那裡,天空是一個孕育著可能與復甦的空間,也是一個超越資本與所有權的領域。這場活動將在2021年6月21日舉辦,當天除了是夏至也恰巧碰上6月20至24日「草莓月蝕」(Strawberry Moon Eclipse)。



Feminist Center for Creative Work活動頁


Art Exchange, Colchester, UK
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Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest, Hungary
Asia Art Archive in America, India & Hong Kong
Associação Cultural Videobrasil, São Paulo, Brasil
British Antarctic Survey, Halley Research Station, Antarctica
Casa de la Cultura Tijuana, Mexico
Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy
Collaborative Cataloguing Japan, Philadelphia, US
Contemporary Calgary, Canada
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, US
Dashboard US, Atlanta, US
Gallery Trax, Yamanashi, Japan
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, US
Greenland National Museum and Archives, Nuuk, Greenland
Group Locale, Tunis, Tunisia
Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C., US
Honolulu Museum of Art, Hawaii, US
Houston Center for Photography, Texas, US
Hyde Park Arts Center, Chicago, US
Interstitial Press, Australia
Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, US
Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland
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Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
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Malmo Könsthall, Sweden
Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico
Museum of Art & Design, San José, Costa Rica
Museum Sztuki Łódź, Łódź, Poland
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Japan
National Gallery Singapore
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona, US
Rangi Gallery & ARK Artist Residency Program, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Recess Art, Brooklyn, US
Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
Rice Brewing Sisters Club, Anseong, South Korea
SALT, Istabul, Turkey
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US
Schaumbad Graz, Austria
Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei City, Taiwan
TateLiverpool, Liverpool, UK
TEOR/éTica, San José, Costa Rica
The Museum of Modern Art, New York City, US
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia
Tselinny Center of Contemporary Culture, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Wali Chafu Collective, Nairobi, Kenya
Womanifesto in Australia, Thailand, & India
Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art, Cape Town, South Africa
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