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迷迷之因 劉品庠個展

It's about the fact that I've been bathed in the flood of meme pictures for a long time, and the white-hot nature of psychedelics in the internet era, the internet has completely rewritten the way we look at the real world. When I see a Shiba Inu, I automatically think of the DOGE meme picture; when I see a black cat, I feel like a angry cat, or even the aftertaste of the oiia, but in the end, I can't get rid of the psychedelic terrier's shell to read the contours of reality, which is anti-elitist, inane, and humorous, He is anti-elite, nonsensical, humorous, and has a more precise sensibility than language. Based on the fanfic paradigm established on the internet, I reassemble the elements to create a special kind of enigmatic sensibility. In addition to the off-screen appearance of fanfic, I also use one kind of meaninglessness to face another kind of meaninglessness, peeking at Taiwan's cultural daily life with the harmonic fanfic, and using the art creation as a silent dialogue with the fanfic era...



Date|January 8, 2025 (Wed) – January 12, 2025 (Sun)

Time|10:00 - 18:00 / January 12, 2025 (Sun) 10:00-16:30

Venue|Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, i-Center 2F (C-LAB)