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Creation/Research Support
The research project of Scores for Tape Music and H.D.C.M. (Human Dynamic Co-ordination Models)

The Research Project of Scores for Tape Music and H.D.C.M. is part of the Human Dynamic Co-ordination Models. From a technical perspective, Human Dynamic Co-ordination Models is a reversal of the concept that “the machine is the extension of the human body” in traditional philosophy of technology, reversing the operation of media machines into human movements and sounds. For instance, the mathematical and mechanical structure of the bubble sort in algorithm, cellular automation , cassette machine, and music boxes are transformed into agreements for human interaction. We refer to this method as “models ,” which means “prototype.”

The term “model” originates from intermedia artist Lin Chi-Wei’s Tape Music performance in 2004. Since 2017, Lin Chi-Wei developed alternative bodily interactive methods distinctive from tape music, which gradually grew into a group creative project. The project invites creatives including film director Chen Singing to participate in a whole new development and testing rehearsal. The “model” intends to create a unique community which forms a performance that embarks on inner exploration on the premise of following a set of rules. Participants can follow the crowd or forge their own path, while audiences can also be invited to take part in the performance. This method allows participants from different backgrounds to cultivate their individual desires while forming collectiveness throughout the interactions. Finally, the dialectical interactions between the two are displayed in the final sound and bodily aesthetics.


LIN Chi-Wei
