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Creation/Research Support
Space Explorer ── Charming Fake Color and Quantified Emotions

Humans started to explore the universe by observing it with the naked eye and recording motions and phases of the sun and moon to invent calendars. Over thousands of years, humankind’s passion for the universe has never been extinguished, and the investigations of the universe have broken through the limitations of human perceptions while rewriting humans’ understanding of the world with the advancement of technologies.

Information technology enriches human civilization with another variable. The movable-type printing press by Johannes GUTENBERG changed the dissemination of knowledge and formed the basis of the technology revolution, while artificial intelligence altered how humans accumulate knowledge. Digital footprints have also been another field for artificial intelligence to explore.

This project involves two parts: astronomy and artificial intelligence.

In terms of astronomy, the team has noticed during its literature review that astronomical images produced with scientific objectivity actually show fake colors (representative colors) instead of authentic ones due to the subjective processes of transformation of ungenuine hues. The relationship between the objectivity and subjectivity of images triggers the team’s reflection on it.

Also, since artificial intelligence usually quantifies and objectifies human beings’ sentiments while exploring the universe, unlike humans who endow the objective world with their subjective imagination, the team decides to focus on recommender systems to discuss how server push affects biases and echo chambers when catering to audiences and being repeatedly initiated by content creators.

To further observe contemporary society and knowledge systems, the project aims to correlate and compare the logic and techniques of the two approaches of universe investigation by actual practice of generating astronomical images and attempts on developing an interactive film system corresponding to audiences’ emotional reactions.


#For more information about the works, please see:


Simple Noodle Art

The Simple Noodle Art was founded in 2019 by CHEN Zi-Yin and CHUANG Hsiang-Feng. CHEN was born in 1995, earned an MFA from the New Media Arts Department of Taipei National University of the Arts, and now is an artist. CHUANG was born in 1994, received an MS from Networking and Multimedia Graduate Institute of National Taiwan University, and now serves as an artist and an AI researcher. With their respective backgrounds, CHEN is skilled at examining how the similarities and differences between perceptions and science affect people’s cognition of reality, and CHUANG is adept at acquiring inspiration from technical operating principles as well as combining it with the society and philosophies. Their works include installations, videos, photographs, AI-assisted content, etc., concerned with the impacts of the Internet, digitalization, and artificial intelligence on the society and humans per se, together with how the relationships between technical products and human beings transform and influence people’s lifestyles.

Through cross-disciplinary speculations, the Simple Noodle Art endeavors to create ingenious works with simple materials as the cooking process of simple noodles. The works of the team and the members have won the Honorary Mention of Prix Ars Electronica, Honorable Mention of Taipei Art Award, Next Art Tainan Award, and NANYING Awards, and have been selected for the mixed-media genre of National Art Exhibition R.O.C. Also, their works have been exhibited at institutions and museums including the Jut Art Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taipei Artist Village, Absolute Space for the Arts, 182ARTSPACE, etc.