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2024 Future Media FEST-Singularity

Embracing the Dawn of the Singularity  

In the heart of the 21st century's digital revolution, technological advancements are reshaping human existence—our lifestyles, thought processes, and societal structures. Underpinning this transformation is the captivating concept of the Singularity, a theory both alluring and profound.  

The Technological Singularity, as envisioned by mathematician and computer scientist Vernor Vinge in 1993, designates a pivotal moment when machine intelligence eclipses human intellect. This event is predicted to trigger an exponential surge in technological progress, irrevocably altering the trajectory of civilization. The academic community further understands the Singularity as an inflection point where artificial intelligence reaches a certain threshold, catalyzing a cascade of technological disruptions and an "intelligence explosion."  

Decades of global semiconductor industry progress, notably in CPUs and GPUs, have propelled computing power and machine learning to staggering heights. Artificial intelligence is evolving, becoming increasingly autonomous and sophisticated, hinting at humanity's approach toward the enigmatic Singularity. Jensen Huang, founder of NVIDIA, whose keynote address at NTU Sports Center, on the eve of COMPUTEX 2024, intensified this sensation, suggesting that the threshold might be upon us. The Singularity heralds a transformative epoch. Pervasive AI implementation is poised to revolutionize science, politics, economics, medicine, communication, blockchain, quantum mechanics, and countless other domains. While brimming with potential, this paradigm shift presents challenges to both technological optimists and pessimists.  

Cloud upload technology, for instance, might liberate human consciousness from biological constraints, fostering unimaginable societal progress. Yet, it also raises profound ethical dilemmas and moral hazards. The prospect of uncontrollable, superintelligent AI systems poses an existential threat. Post-Singularity civilization could mirror quantum mechanics' dark matter—unpredictable and shrouded in mystery. 

Reshaping Creativity and Culture  

The concept of Technological Singularity challenges our preconceived notions of technological progress and the future. It redefines the very essence of artistic expression, heralding not just a technological revolution but a profound re-evaluation of the human-technology symbiosis. In this nascent era, artificial intelligence is poised to transform not only our lifestyles but the very fabric of creativity and culture.  

The relentless march of AI is ushering in an unprecedented shift in the creative paradigm, reshaping the future of artistic creation. AI is no longer a mere tool; it is evolving into a collaborative partner, co-creating with artists and even venturing into independent artistic expression. AI's capabilities span from generating visual masterpieces and analyzing artistic styles to predicting future trends, challenging traditional artistic practices while simultaneously fostering a more diverse and innovative creative landscape.  

In the realm of music, AI's ability to compose pieces that rival human creations has sparked a crucial debate: does AI's creative prowess diminish the uniqueness of human artistry? This blurring of lines between human and machine creativity compels artists to embrace the forefront of technological integration in the arts. 

2024 Future Media FEST 

This year's Future Media FEST, a culmination of C-LAB curatorial team's meticulous planning and passionate discussions through regular curatorial meetings, collaborates to fulfill the promise kindled three years ago. The exhibition's diverse collection of artworks, thoughtfully curated into four thematic chapters—"Flowing Anchor," "Transformation of Creativity," "Creator's Insight," and "AI Ongoing"—to explore the intricate dance between artificial intelligence and humanity from multifaceted perspectives.  

Within these thematic chapters, artists unveil their explorations and contemplations on the enigmatic Singularity. Leveraging cutting-edge creative technologies—motion capture, algorithmic character and scene generation, game engines, and AI-powered programming languages, they have crafted works that transcend traditional artistic boundaries, offering us a glimpse into uncharted creative territories. These paradigm shifts in the creative process promise to deliver unprecedented audiovisual experiences that challenge our perceptions and stimulate profound introspection.  

The exhibition showcases 26 captivating works by 23 groups of artists hailing from 9 countries. Each artist, with their unique creative vision, demonstrates the boundless potential of artificial intelligence in the realm of art. As visitors engage with the exhibition's interactive installations, they will tangibly experience how technology is reshaping our understanding of the world and our place within it. At this pivotal moment, technology transcends its role as a mere tool; it emerges as a driving force, shaping the contours of our collective future. 


The 2024 Future Media FEST ventures deep into the limitless potential of technological art, converging a multitude of perspectives on the evolution and implications of technology within an inclusive artistic landscape. Let us ponder together: the "Singularity" represents more than just a technological turning point; it is a portal to a future brimming with boundless imagination and creativity. As we step through this threshold, we embrace a new era of human-technology creative symbiosis, an era filled with both the thrill of the unknown and the promise of infinite possibilities. 



WU Dar-Kuen


YUAN Goang-Ming (TW)


HUANG Zan-Lun (TW)

YANG Sookyun (KR)


Sputniko! ✕ Tomomi Nishizawa (JP)

Louis-Pilippe RONDEAU (CA)

Yaloo (KR)


LU Yang (CH)

Simple Noodle Art feat. Shanboy CHEN (TW)


KIM Ayoung (KR)


Damonxart (TW)




Tactical Tech (DE)


The Critical Engineering Working Group (DE)


La Loma ✕ Tactical Tech (DE)




Official Website

Public Programs

Exhibition Brochure

Supervisor  |Ministry of Culture

Organizer   |C-LAB Contemporary Art Platform

Collaborator|Asia Culture Center, ELEKTRA, Giloo, Goethe-Institut Taipei,
