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Sound Healing and Meditation|Return to Nature
  • Gibberish Meditation

In modern civilizations and societies, people readily receive information and extensively use cell phones and computers, accumulating mental and emotional stress. Speaking gibberish can help to release the pressure of overuse of the left side of the brain. The beating of African drums supports the expression of gibberish and sound to remove dark thoughts and transform destructive emotions, enabling natural expression and deep relaxation. A Sufi master from Central Asia is credited as the initiator of gibberish mediation. From there, it has spread to body, mind, and spirit healing centers around the world. Experience the relaxation of body and mind and the return to a calm and quiet internal state.


  • Body and Mind Awareness

Through breathing and limb movement, there is linking of external and internal perceptions. Through adjustment of the chakras and vibrational frequencies of music, body and mind are integrated to achieve balance.


  • Sounds Healing

As we share our repertoire of songs that have been sung for centuries, traditional knowledge of cultures around the world is passed on. They are the calls of nature and of our soul. As these melodies of ancient ancestors have been passed down from generation to generation their energy has increased. Sung in different spaces and places, they bring blessing and sharing of healing power. Every time we sing, through the vibrational frequency of our voices, we initiate a sacred space that crosses dimensions and surpasses time and space. Moreover, in the deepest parts of ourselves we build maximum resonating connections with our internal sacred spaces and with the earth and natural elements. At the same time, we honor the nourishment of our life energy.


Within a sacred space, melodies and perceptions are our vibrational frequencies. Enjoy the unity of heaven and earth and a conscious world in which there is harmony of body, mind, and spirit.


Dates and time| 11/28 (Sat), 12/29 (Sun) 19:00-21:00

Location|Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) Political Warfare Building Square

Limit|30 persons each

*Participants need to bring their own towel, water and dress comfortably.

Please sign up here



Ingrid LIN connects internal and external perceptions with interactive processes involving breathing and the body. She expresses these perceptions in artworks through the expansion of consciousness and translates what the subconscious and conscious levels reveal to integrate the body and mind and set people spiritually free. In 2018, Lin was inspired by the ancient wisdom of Incan culture, which opened for her a path of self-healing. Through daily practice, she has explored the deeper meaning of life. She was born in the East, but her learning journey has been inspired by different cultures in the East and the West. She shares the essence of these different kinds of ancient wisdom and honors every noble member of the human family.

Prem Sajeev plays African drums and the didgeridoo. He is the founder and a drummer of the Dolphin Bay Drumming Circle, where his nickname is Teacher Hsiao-Wang. He graduated from the Department of French at Tamkang University and has attended the Creative Living program at the OSHO International Meditation Resort in India. He has traveled in Southeast Asia, Japan, India, and Bali. In 2005 and 2007, he visited the OSHO Community in Pune, India, where he joined various meditation and healing groups that support the inner transformation of modern people and created music with musicians from around the world. In 2011, he traveled to Bali, where he studied yoga and meditation. In 2015, he visited Delhi, India, where he attended the Zorba The Buddha Tantra Festival.