On Earth Series is a real-time audiovisual performance. Three years after their first performance in Taipei, Nulls Design brings a combination of new techniques and a unique vibe to search for harmony and relevance between sounds and images while providing an ultra-immersive experience.

Nulls Design, On Earth Series, 2020
Performance|10.15 (FRI), 10.16 (SAT) 19:00, 20:00; 11.07 (SUN) 19:00, 5 performances
*Each performance also screens XTRUX's Reincarnate Island.
Duration|total in 30 mins, includes On Earth Series:Dome 15 mins and Reincarnate Island 15 mins
Limited availability, please sign up here.
▶ Limited availability, and registration for each performance is needed.
▶ Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the venue once the performance begins. The performance will not open for audience to sign up on site. Please sign up as early as possible.
▶ For the epidemic prevention, taking temperatures, disinfecting hands, leaving personal information and keeping social distance are required, and audiences are required to wear masks at all times when entering C-LAB. Moreover, audiences whose temperatures are above 37.5℃ are not allowed entry.
▶ Programs may be subject to change.
|The Artist
Nulls Design
Nulls Design is a creative agency and seeks ideas from all creative fields to generate the best solutions for business campaigns and working experiences.
Project Coordinator|Nulls Design
Visual Design|Jie LIOU
Sound Design|WU Ping-Sheng, Andy CHIU